Because no one
should feel alone
Hope in Community
Riverbank is a Christian charity supporting single mothers of all faiths and none.
In the face of bereavement, relationship breakdown or any other cause of single motherhood, Riverbank’s calling is to ‘be there’ for Mum, to come alongside her, to support her, to equip her, and to bring hope in community.
What does Riverbank do?
One-to-one relationships
A dedicated Riverbank team member meets with Mum, perhaps over a coffee, to talk and walk alongside Mum on her journey as a single mother. Riverbank is here to listen and to support. Riverbank is not a statutory service, but is an independent charity supported by the church community. Riverbank will support each Mum for as long or as short a time as she likes, offering a caring relationship that reflects God’s love for every single Mum we meet.
Small Community Groups
Riverbank also runs small and safe community groups where single Mums meet over coffee and support each other. Riverbank supports in local mother and toddler groups and runs craft and breakfast mornings, parenting groups, and support groups for children with additional needs.
Network Partnerships
Wherever possible Riverbank can use its network of local churches and community partners, such as Foodbanks and Kids Matter programs, to help equip and support Mum on her journey.
Since 2011 Riverbank has been delivering hope in community by equipping vulnerable single mothers of all faiths and none through long-term emotional and practical support in partnership with the church community.
Get Involved with Riverbank
Delivering transformative impact in the lives of single mothers since 2011, Riverbank has grown to be increasingly relied upon by local government, schools, churches and other civil society agencies.
Get Support
Want support from Riverbank? Find out how we could support you and get in touch with us.
Give Support
Get involved with the work of Riverbank - discover more about volunteering, giving to and praying for our work.
Jasmine (name changed for protection) saw her relationship with her children’s father break down.
Life became difficult and Jasmine’s mental health deteriorated – soon everything began falling apart and her ability to parent seemed to fade too.
Jasmine’s story
One day a Riverbank outreach worker knocked on Jasmine’s door at the hostel.
The outreach worker met weekly with Jasmine to listen, to encourage and to pray for Jasmine. Over time Jasmine attended a small Riverbank community group and met other mums and Riverbank team members.
Things began changing for Jasmine; around her grew a community that supported her, and Jasmine discovered she could support others too.
Jasmine feared for her life.
Jasmine feared for her children.
Jasmine’s experiences at Riverbank led to peace in heart and mind. It was transformative.
With Riverbank’s support Jasmine put relationship difficulties behind her, found emotional stability, found confidence as a mother and increasingly saw herself as she truly is - as Jesus sees her.
Today Jasmine enjoys life in fullness, enjoys motherhood, and now leads an organisation bringing transformation to communities around us.
“they are my second family"
“warm, wise and non-judgmental"
“life-saving" | “they are my second family" | “warm, wise and non-judgmental" |
“I am no longer alone”
- Quotations from Riverbank Mums