Apply for Support

Riverbank Trust is a Christian charity that seeks to love, support, and befriend vulnerable single mums and their families. We aim to draw alongside vulnerable single mums and their families and support them both practically and emotionally through meaningful ongoing relationship.

We can provide this support through one-to-one befriending and through our community groups. The aim of these groups is to provide a safe, intimate, and family orientated environment where real, long-lasting relationships can be established and developed. There is no time limit to our support; we will support a family for as long as they want our involvement.

Riverbank uses a simple online referral form. Please do contact us prior to submitting the form if you have any questions at all about our work. Below are a few helpful pieces of information to consider before making a referral to us: 

  • We are a Christian charity, and you can read more about what this means on our website. We will support and care for a single mum of any or no faith

  • We are not an assessing or reporting agency. This means that outside of child protection procedures, we will not provide records or reports to you on our interaction with families without their consent. We work to best safeguarding practice in line with our safeguarding policy and will share information in the event of safeguarding concerns.

  • We are happy to attend multi-agency meetings to support our families but we will only do so with the family’s permission or in the event of safeguarding concerns.

  • Our support is not time limited. We will offer support for as long as a family would like us to be there.

 Once your referral has been received, we will quickly assess whether or not we are able to offer support. We will then contact you either for further information or to arrange an initial meeting with a family. We are happy to contact a family ourselves with your prior knowledge.