Our Privacy Policy
We take our responsibility to respect and protect your personal data seriously. This Policy explains when and why we collect data about people, how we use it, and how we keep it secure. We may change this Policy from time to time so please check this page occasionally to ensure that you’re happy with any changes.
Riverbank Trust is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone involved in the work of the charity including – partner churches, donors, families, volunteers and newsletter subscribers. The personal data you share with Riverbank Trust will be used to support our vision – ‘to see vulnerable families transformed by the love of Jesus, empowered by friendship and sharing community with others’; through reaching churches, training volunteers, fundraising, gathering prayer support, and sharing the vision.
Collecting Data
We will collect personal data from you when you enquire about our activities, register with us, make a donation to us or otherwise provide us with personal data. We may also receive data about you from other people or organisations, for e.g. if someone makes a referral to us or when you set up a fundraising page.
The types of personal data collected might include name, date of birth, email address, postal address and telephone number.
Why Does Riverbank Trust Gather Personal Data?
Personal data is any information that identifies you as an individual. We may collect and use personal data for a variety of purposes, such as:
Processing a volunteer application or for the training and ongoing support of volunteers
Registering children and parents for Riverbank support and activities
Evaluation of the effectiveness of our activities
Accessing external services, such as food banks, Individual grant applications
Recruitment and professional development of staff
Sending newsletters and prayer requests
Fundraising activities
Who has access to your data?
We collect, use and disclose personal data only for the purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate for the administration and management of a charity that supports vulnerable families.
Access to your personal data is on a “need to know” basis. We inform our staff of the importance of protecting your personal data. We also advise all staff, trustees and volunteers that personal data obtained through their role cannot be used for any purposes other than authorised Riverbank Trust work.
How Does Riverbank Trust ensure privacy and security?
Your data is stored securely (e.g. in password-protected documents and pin-protected mobile phones). We will not pass on your data to third parties, without your consent. We will not share your data with third parties for marketing purposes. We retain the right to share data regarding safeguarding as our duty of care requires.
Financial Giving Information
Access to information regarding your financial giving to Riverbank Trust is restricted to relevant staff and trustees (e.g. our Treasurer). We are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory obligations (for example the collection of Gift Aid).
Feedback Forms & Registration Forms
Feedback forms can be written anonymously. If personal data is collected on the form, it is stored securely and only accessed by relevant staff. Registration forms collected with personal data are stored securely and only accessed by relevant staff.
Direct quotations (for e.g. on the website, social media, leaflets, newsletters) are anonymous or we change the name used to protect identity and privacy and we will always ask for permission which can be withdrawn at any time.
How Long We Hold Your Information For
We only keep your personal data for as long as is reasonable and necessary for the relevant activity, which may be to fulfil statutory obligations (for example, the collection of Gift Aid). You may ask us to remove your details at any time.
Your Rights
You have a choice about whether you wish to receive information from us or not. We will only send you information if there is a legitimate interest (such as details of a relevant support group) or you have specifically asked us to send you something (like our newsletter or prayer requests). If you would rather not receive communication from us you can ask us to stop at any time. The accuracy of your data is important to us. If our records are inaccurate or your contact details change, please email us at contact@riverbanktrust.org and we will correct your data. You have the right to ask for access to personal data Riverbank Trust holds about you. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data which is not in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Policy Review
We keep this policy under regular review. This policy was last updated in May 2018.
Our Safeguarding Policy
This policy applies to all staff including the CEO and the board of trustees, trainee staff, volunteers, and occasional helpers, students, or anyone working on behalf of Riverbank Trust. Riverbank Trust believes that under no circumstances should a staff member or volunteer inflict physical or psychological harm on a child.
Riverbank Trust recognises that the legal definition of a vulnerable adult is defined by the NHS as any adult (person over the age of 18) unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from exploitation. Therefore, for the purposes of this document the term “adults at risk” will be used to describe the majority of women we support. However, Riverbank may also work with women who are vulnerable adults as defined by the NHS.
The aim and purpose of this policy is to:
• Provide procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse, and protecting children, adults at risk, and staff.
• Protect children, young people, and adults at risk of harm who are beneficiaries of Riverbank Trust. This also includes the children of adults who are beneficiaries of Riverbank Trust.
• Provide staff and volunteers with the arching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding.
• Provide staff and volunteers with clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised involving children and adults within our organisation, or those who attend our activities and events.
• Promote best practices in working with children and adults at risk.
Riverbank Trust believes that we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all young people and adults at risk to keep them safe. We are committed to practicing in a way that protects them.
‘The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 place duties on organisations and individuals to process personal information fairly and lawfully; they are not a barrier to sharing information, where the failure to do so would cause the safety or well-being of a child to be compromised. Similarly, human rights concerns, such as respecting the right to a private and family life would not prevent sharing where there are real safeguarding concerns.’
1. A policy statement on safeguarding the welfare of children:
As a Christian Ministry committed to presenting the reality of God to families, we affirm our belief in the God-given value of each person with whom we work or have contact. In recognition of God's wholehearted commitment to them, we will also treat each individual with value and dignity and aim that none suffer physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual abuse of any kind. It is the responsibility of each one of us to safeguard children, young adults, and people against physical, sexual, spiritual1 , and emotional abuse and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.
1 "Spiritual abuse happens when a leader with spiritual authority uses that authority to coerce, control or exploit a follower, thus causing spiritual wounds." Ken Blue: Healing Spiritual Abuse. IVP 1993.
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of law and guidance that seeks to protect children, namely:
- Working Together to Safeguarding Children: A Guide to Inter-agency Working to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children; HM Government 2015 (revised 2018)
- Human Rights Act 1998 and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratified by UK government 1991)
- Protection of Children Act 1999
- Sexual Offences Act 1997, 2000, 2003 (Amendments)
- Data Protection Act 1998
- The Care Standards Act 2000
- Safe from Harm: Code of Practice for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children in voluntary organisations, published by the Home Office in 1993
- Every Child Matters Change for Children Programme
- No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect adults at risk from abuse.
- The Care Act 2014
- Human Trafficking & Exploitation Act (2015)
- Counterterrorism & Security Act (2015)
- PREVENT Strategy: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/individuals-at-risk-of-being-drawn-into-serious-and-organised-crime-a-prevent-guide
- After-school clubs, community activity, and tuition safeguarding guidelines for providers September 2023
We recognise that:
- The welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989
- All children and adults at risk, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, or identity, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
- Some children and adults at risk are additionally susceptible because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs, or other issues.
-SEND children can be at additional risk of harm due to communication difficulties. Staff and volunteers are to be aware of these risks.
- Working in partnership with our beneficiaries and other agencies is essential in promoting the person’s welfare.
We will seek to keep children and families at risk safe by:
• Valuing them, listening to and respecting them.
• Appointing a Designated Safeguarding Officer and a lead board member for safeguarding.
• Adopting safeguarding practices through procedures and a code of conduct for all staff and volunteers.
• Providing effective management for all staff and volunteers through supervision, support, training, and quality assurance measures.
• Ensuring that all staff and volunteers will have access to all relevant Riverbank policies and will adhere to the relevant policies and expectations laid out in them.
• Recruiting staff and volunteers robustly & safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.
• Recording and storing information professionally and securely and sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with children, their families, staff, and volunteers.
• Using our safeguarding procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately.
• Ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place
• Ensuring staff abide by the staff code of conduct.
• Ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers, by applying health and safety measures by following the law and regulatory guidance.
2. Safe Recruitment - Appointment of staff and volunteers:
The appointment of staff and volunteers will follow the relevant Riverbank Trust robust recruitment, selection, and probationary procedures. These are available on request and include what to do about the application process, interviews, references, and proof of identity, etc. All staff and volunteers will have a written job description.
The necessary DBS details for all trustees, staff, and volunteers will be kept securely on the Riverbank database and will not be provided to external parties without seeking permission from the person first.
In cases where the role of a staff member, trustee, or volunteer involves regular direct contact with beneficiaries of Riverbank Trust, the Trust will require the satisfactory completion and return of an Enhanced Check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check) before the commencement of the role.
All staff, trustees, and regular volunteers shall be given and explained this policy statement.
All staff and all regular volunteers will receive training according to these guidelines when they join Riverbank Trust and will receive a refresher and further training as part of their CPD. Riverbank Trust will ensure that all policies and procedures are available to view on request.
Riverbank Trust recognises that when its staff are visiting churches or running conferences, events, or training events, those attending may reasonably assume that such staff have been subject to appropriate safeguarding checks. Therefore, all staff visiting groups on behalf of Riverbank Trust and all those running or assisting at Riverbank Trust conferences, events, or training events where they could have unsupervised access to young people or adults at risk must be subject to checks as set out in these guidelines.
One-off volunteers undertaking tasks for Riverbank Trust will be subject to the same procedure as staff and regular volunteers. This requirement may be waived if the person is known to Riverbank Trust and will not have unsupervised access to children, young people, or adults at risk in the course of the task. ‘Known to Riverbank Trust’ means that at least two people who are staff, Board members, staff workers or people who have significant connections with Riverbank Trust could, if asked, provide references for the person. ‘One-off’ applies to volunteers giving not more than a day for their volunteering. One-off volunteers will include those who accompany staff on a speaking engagement or help at a Riverbank Trust event. Once someone is volunteering with Riverbank Trust on a regular basis, ‘regular’ meaning more than three times a year, then they will be subject to the Riverbank Trust guidelines for volunteers in this document.
Riverbank Trust is not responsible for the selection, approval, or appointment of those working with children, young people, or adults at risk in any affiliated church or organisation. These organisations and churches are responsible for appointing people to work with children, young people, and adults at risk according to their policies for protecting and safeguarding those children, young people, and adults at risk.
Riverbank Trust accepts a duty of care to ensure that in working alongside partner agencies, the said agency has an up-to-date safeguarding policy and procedure.
3. Management/Supervision:
There shall be a system of line management within Riverbank Trust to provide supervision and accountability. This will include monitoring ongoing work within the community where a staff member is based, and each staff member will be line-managed in accordance with Riverbank Trust policies and guidelines for staff and volunteers.
To ensure regular communication and supervision surrounding Riverbank Trust’s safeguarding policy, the DSL will meet twice yearly with the named lead board member for Safeguarding. These meetings will be recorded via written minutes and kept securely by Riverbank Trust.
Supervisors will keep a brief written record of each supervision meeting and of any things of note that are observed, and these will be shared with the DSL.
It is expected that notes of contact with families at risk of harm will be recorded in accordance with Riverbank policies.
4. Training:
Riverbank Trust will ensure that annual training is provided for all staff and volunteers regarding safeguarding issues and other areas relevant to their role. When joining Riverbank Trust, either as a staff member or as a volunteer, safeguarding training will be incorporated into the induction.
The Lead board member for safeguarding will work in conjunction with the designated safeguarding lead to keep them up to date with any changes made to these guidelines.
5. Procedures if abuse is suspected, discovered, or disclosed: What to do if there is a disclosure or allegation of abuse:
It is the responsibility of adults to report their concerns. It is not their responsibility to investigate or decide whether a child/adult has been abused it must be shared with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The most important thing to remember is that when a young person or adult at risk discloses that abuse of any nature is taking (or has taken) place, they are divulging something that may have been a secret. It is not the place for this document to provide guidance for counselling in this scenario, but please make sure that the person knows that YOU believe them. Many situations have arisen where the first person to be told of such events failed to demonstrate that they believed the person in the first instance, and this led to the abuse being covered up for years.
If a person wants to talk to you about some form of abuse, follow the following guidelines as much as possible and appropriate to your situation. General points are
• accept what the person says
• keep calm
• be honest
• look directly at the person
• do not appear shocked
• let them know you may need to tell someone else
• assure them that they are not to blame for the abuse
• never ask leading questions
• never push for information
• do not fill in words, finish their sentences, or make assumptions
• be aware that the child or adult at risk may have been threatened
• At the next available opportunity write down what you have heard, under what circumstances, and what you have done, and keep this information in a secure place.
The following information is about the types of abuse which can occur and how to recognise them, including physical signs and symptoms as well as behavioural changes that you might observe. Bear in mind that children, young people, and adults may be subject to one type of abuse or a combination of types of abuse. Definitions are taken from Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government, 2018)
NOTE: The lists of signs and symptoms below are not exhaustive – there may be other signs or symptoms that are not listed below which could be indicators of abuse. Similarly, some of these signs and symptoms will not always be indicators of abuse. The following lists under each category of abuse contain examples of possible indicators. The presence of one or more of these signs or symptoms does not necessarily confirm the abuse.
Types of abuse:
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse may or may not cause injury and includes physical ill-treatment, causing unjustifiable physical discomfort, for example, injury, pain, or impairment.
Abusive Actions Signs and Symptoms
• Hitting
• Slapping
• Kicking
• Shaking
• Inappropriate Restraint
• Withholding or misusing medication
• Biting
• Suffocating
• Poisoning
• Drowning
• Killing
• Fabricated or Induced Illness
• Cuts, lacerations, puncture wounds, open wounds, bruising, welts, black eyes, burns, bite marks, broken bones, and skull fractures
• Untreated injuries
• Broken eyeglasses or frames
• Physical signs of being subjected to punishment or signs of being restrained
• Inappropriate use of medication, overdosing, or under-dosing.
• Cowering and flinching
• Emotional distress, low self-esteem, untypical self-harm
• Telling you they have been hit, slapped, or mistreated
• Aggressive behavior or severe temper outbursts
• Depression
• Withdrawn behavior
Remember: Most children will collect cuts and bruises as part of the rough and tumble of daily life.
However, important indicators of physical abuse are bruises or injuries that are either unexplained or inconsistent with the explanation given, or visible on the ‘soft’ parts of the body where accidental injuries are unlikely, e.g., cheeks, abdomen, back, and buttocks.
Neglectful behaviour is any pattern of activity by another person, which seriously impairs an individual.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
• provide adequate food, clothing, and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
• protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
• ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers)
• ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.
Abusive Actions Signs and Symptoms
Neglect involves persistently failing to provide necessities, for example:
• Adequate food
• Clothing
• Shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment
• Personal Care
• Failure to protect a child or adult at risk from physical or emotional harm or
• Failure to ensure adequate supervision including the use of inadequate caregivers.
• Failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment
• Deliberately withholding essential aids – e.g. visual or hearing aids
• Lack of appropriate supervision
• Dirt, faecal or urine smell, or other health and safety hazards in the person’s living environment
• Rashes, sores, and lice on the person.
• Inadequate clothing
• Poor personal hygiene
• Unsanitary and unclean conditions
• Constant hunger
• Loss of weight or being constantly underweight
Changes in behavior that can also indicate neglect may include:
• Complaining of being tired all the time
• Having few friends
• Mentioning being left alone or unsupervised
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing, and touching outside of clothing.
A sexual act carried out without the informed consent of the other individual is abuse. Such behaviour includes contact and non-contact abuse, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet)
Contact abuse may include rape, indecent assault, being forced to touch another person, sexual intercourse, or being pressurised into consenting to sexual acts
No one should enter into a sexual relationship with someone for whom they have pastoral responsibility or who is in a position of authority/ responsibility where he/she is trusted by others.
It is also important to remember that it is not just adult men who sexually abuse children – there are increasing numbers of allegations of sexual abuse of children against women and sexual abuse can also be perpetrated by other children or young people. Trafficked children also experience sexual abuse. Please see
“Human Trafficking Act”.
Abusive Actions Signs and Symptoms
• Rape
• Sexual Assault
• Kissing
• Fondling/Caressing
• Involving children or adults at risk in looking at, or in the production of sexual
images, watching sexual activities
• Encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways
• Sending sexualised texts and emails or engaging in sexualised behaviour via other online routes, such as social media.
• Bruises around the breasts or genital areas
• Unexplained venereal disease or genital infections
• Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding
• Vaginal discharge or infection
• Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
• The child or adult at risk telling you they have been sexually assaulted or raped
• Pain or itching in the genital area
• Sexually transmitted disease
• Pregnancy
Changes in behaviour that can also indicate sexual abuse include:
• Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour e.g., becoming aggressive or
• Fear of being left with a specific person or group of people
• Running away from home
• Sexual knowledge that is beyond their age, or developmental level
• Sexual drawings or language
• Bedwetting
• Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts
• Substance abuse
• Suddenly having unexplained sources of money
• Acting in a sexually explicit way, specifically children toward adults
• Being trafficked around the area. Adults outside of the child’s parents taking them for periods of time
The age of consent for both heterosexual and homosexual sex in England is 16.
Sexual activity with a child under the age of 13 is classed as rape under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. A child under the age of 13 is not legally capable of giving their consent.
Although it is an offence for any child under the age of 16 to engage in sexual activity with another child under the age of 16, the police would not seek to criminalise all 13–16-year-olds having underage sex.
Statutory agencies have agreed that if 13–16-year-old sexual activity is discovered then an assessment of risk should be carried out.
Emotional or Psychological Abuse
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them, or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond a child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child from participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyberbullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, although it may occur alone.
Abusive Actions Signs and Symptoms
• Threats and Verbal Abuse
• Humiliation
• Blaming
• Controlling
• Pressurising and Coercion
• Intimidation and causing fear
• Ignoring the person
• Not giving the person, a chance to express their views
• Making someone feel worthless
• Lack of privacy or choice
• Causing/forcing isolation/withdrawal from family/friends and support networks.
• This form of abuse can be in person or via online/ messaging services
For Children:
• Imposing developmentally inappropriate expectations
• Witnessing domestic abuse, seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another
• Hesitation in talking openly
• Confusion or disorientation
• Anger without an apparent cause
• Sudden changes in behaviour
• Unexplained fear
• Telling you they are being verbally or emotionally abused.
Changes in a child’s behaviour that can indicate emotional abuse include:
• Being unable to play
• Fear of making mistakes
• Sudden speech disorders
• Self -harm
• Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour
• Developmental delay in terms of emotional progress.
Bullying, sexual, and racial harassment can also sometimes be referred to as emotional abuse.
Domestic Abuse
Children and young people are deemed victims of domestic abuse when they see, hear, or experience the effects of domestic abuse. The cross-government definition of domestic violence and abuse is: any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence, or abuse perpetrated by those aged 16 or over who are or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to:
• Psychological/Emotional: For example, shouting; swearing; frightening; blaming; ignoring or humiliating someone; blackmailing them; threatening harm to children or pets if they misbehave; ridiculing every aspect of their appearance and skills; keeping them deliberately short of sleep; being obsessively and irrationally jealous; keeping them isolated from friends and family; threatening suicide or self-harm.
• Physical: For example, hitting; slapping; burning; pushing; restraining; giving too much medication or the wrong medication; assault with everyday implements such as kitchen knives; kicking; biting; punching; shoving; smashing someone’s possessions; imprisoning them; or forcing them to use illegal drugs as a way of blackmailing and controlling them.
• Sexual: For example, forcing someone to take part in any sexual activity without consent, e.g., rape or sexual assault; forcing them or blackmailing them into sexual acts with other people; forcing children to watch sexual acts; sexual name calling; imposition of dress codes upon a partner; involvement in the sex trade or pornography; knowingly passing on Sexually Transmitted Infections; controlling access to contraception.
• Neglect: For example, a failure to provide necessary care, assistance, guidance, or attention that causes, or is reasonably likely to cause a person physical, mental, or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assets.
• Financial: For example, the illegal or unauthorized use of someone’s property, money, pension book, or other valuables; forcing them to take out loans; keeping them in poverty; demanding to know every penny they spend; refusing to let them use transport or have money to pay for it.
• Spiritual: For example, telling someone that God hates them; refusing to let them worship (e.g., not allowing a partner to go to church); using faith as a weapon to control and terrorize them for the abuser’s personal pleasure or gain; using religious teaching to justify abuse (e.g., ‘submit to your husband’), or to compel forgiveness.
• Digital: For example, the use of technology (e.g., texting, and social networking) to bully, harass, stalk, or intimidate a partner. Though it is perpetuated online, this type of abuse has a strong impact on a victim's real life. For example, the ‘revenge porn’ offence i.e., disclosing private sexual photographs via digital media to cause distress
People experience domestic abuse regardless of their social group, class, ethnicity, age, disability, or sexuality.
Most abuse is carried out by men against female partners, but abuse can be inflicted by women on men, and can also occur in same-sex relationships and teenage relationships. Domestic abuse can also be inflicted within family settings, for example, a teenage child abusing his or her parents, or forced marriage. Incidents can be considered domestic abuse and abuse of an adult when the perpetrator is, for example, the daughter and the carer of the adult.
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual Abuse is not covered by the standard statutory definitions of abuse but is of concern both within and outside faith communities.
Within faith communities harm can be caused by the inappropriate use of religious belief or practice; this can include the misuse of the authority of leadership or penitential discipline, oppressive teaching, or intrusive healing and deliverance ministries, which may result in people at risk of experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual harm. If such inappropriate behaviour becomes harmful it should be referred for investigation in the usual way. Careful supervision and mentoring of those entrusted with the pastoral care of adults should help to prevent harm from occurring in this way.
A particular aspect of Spiritual Abuse relating to children has been addressed in the Department of Health Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession (2007).
The term ‘belief in spirit possession’ is defined as the belief that an evil force has entered a child and is controlling him or her. Sometimes the term ‘witch’ is used and is defined as the belief that a child is able to use an evil force to harm others. There is also a range of other languages that is connected to such abuse.
This includes black magic, kindoki, ndoki, the evil eye, djinns, voodoo, obeah, demons, and child sorcerers.
In all these cases, genuine beliefs can be held by families, carers, religious leaders, congregations, and the children themselves that evil forces are at work. Families and children can be deeply worried by the evil that they believe is threatening them, and abuse often occurs when an attempt is made to ‘exorcise’, or ‘deliver’ the child. Exorcism is defined as attempting to expel evil spirits from a child. Whilst the number of identified cases is small, the nature of the child abuse can be particularly disturbing and the impact on the child is substantial and serious. (DoH Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession, 2007).
Additional Specialist circumstances:
Some of these circumstances include:
• Grooming: Grooming refers to actions deliberately aimed at establishing an emotional connection and trust with someone in order to increase the likelihood of them engaging in sexual behaviour or exploitation. Grooming may also include threats or bribes, which persuade the person that it would be impossible to ask for help. It may appear as an unhealthily close friendship that stretches or breaks approved boundaries.
• Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE): Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts, and relationships where young people (or a third person or persons) receive ‘something’ (e.g., food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them performing, and/or another or others performing on them, sexual activities.
• Honour-Based Violence (HBV): The Forced Marriage Unit at the Home Office defines this as: ‘So-called honour-based violence is a crime or incident, which has or may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family and/or community’ Honour Based Violence can manifest in many different ways and often presents with accompanying criminal offences, domestic abuse, or the civil offence of forced marriage. If incidents include domestic abuse, child abuse, or other serious crimes then it should be read in conjunction with the relevant policies and procedures on these subjects.
Honour Based Violence can include:
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Emotional and Psychological Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Forced Marriage
- Female Genital Mutilation
• Forced Marriage; Marriage without consent is not valid in UK law and a child under 16 years old is not considered to be competent to consent to marriage. The pressure put on people to marry against their will can be physical (including threats, actual physical violence, and sexual violence) or emotional and psychological (for example, when someone is made to feel like they are bringing shame on their family). Financial abuse (taking your wages or not giving you any money) can also be a factor.
• Female Genital Mutilation: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a collective term for illegal procedures that include the removal of part or all external female genitalia for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. The practice is not required by any religion and is medically unnecessary, painful, and has serious health consequences at the time it is carried out and in later life. The procedure is typically performed on girls of any age but is also performed on newborn infants and young women before marriage/ pregnancy. A number of girls die as a direct result of the procedure, from blood loss or infection. FGM may be practiced illegally by doctors or traditional health workers in the UK, or girls may be sent abroad for the operation. FGM is illegal in this country by the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, except on specific physical and mental health grounds. The victim may be seriously at risk if any knowledge of the disclosure is mishandled.
Procedure in the event of a concern of abuse:
If there is an immediate threat of harm, the Police should be contacted without delay.
Where it is deemed that there is no immediate threat of harm, the following will occur:
• The concern should be discussed with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and a decision made as to whether the concern warrants a referral to the statutory authorities - you can ask for a professional conversation at the Single Point of Access (SPA) to discuss if unsure.
• A confidential record will be made of the conversation and the circumstances surrounding it using the template. This record will be kept securely, and a copy shared with the statutory authorities if a referral is made.
• The person about whom the allegation is made must not be informed by anyone in Riverbank Trust if it is judged that to do so could place a child or adult at increased risk. If the statutory authorities are involved, they should be consulted beforehand.
Team/Project/Volunteer/Holiday Leaders must inform a Riverbank Trust staff member/LineManager/Coordinator.
The disclosure should then be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in Riverbank Trust.
Where necessary, the issue will be escalated without delay from the DSL to the CEO.
A ‘Cause for Concern Form’ can be found in the Safeguarding Folder under the Riverbank Staff Team shared area. This must be completed when any disclosures or concerns are raised and brought to the attention of the DSL and CEO. A copy of the form must be emailed over to discern whether any immediate action must be taken. This will be stored securely. A decision will then be taken between the
DSL and CEO as to whether to escalate the disclosure and for it to be reported to the relevant authorities.
The Board will be informed via the Lead Safeguarding Trustee. Any cause for concerns that have not been escalated to involve other relevant agencies will be reviewed by the DSL, CEO, and Trustee responsible for Safeguarding on a termly basis.
It is important to keep reporting channels as short as possible and this should not prevent or delay any reporting to relevant authorities. If the person to whom the abuse was disclosed believes that the relevant Line manager has not taken appropriate action, they may speak to the authorities themselves.
To ensure confidentiality, information must only be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis, and NOT discussed with other staff members or professionals unless agreed necessary by the CEO or other relevant authorities.
The young person or adult must be kept informed at all times of what is being done, and what is likely to happen, and should, as far as is possible, be prepared for such an eventuality before they disclose such information. When the situation is reported to the authorities then it is likely that the following may be included: A strategy discussion involving Social Services, the Police child protection team, other significant
professionals, and the person suspecting abuse or to whom the young person has talked. A decision by the authorities will be taken as to whether an investigation is warranted; if so, it will then be planned.
If the disclosure is made whilst working within a school setting, the worker or volunteer must inform the lead safeguarding officer in the school as well as the Riverbank DSL. Riverbank Trust will comply with the Safeguarding Policy of the relevant school.
If a discloser is made abut the DSL then staff are required to contact the designated safeguarding board member (DSBM) to raise this, The DSBM will then lead an investigation and inform those necessary.
6. Allegations of abuse against Riverbank Trust staff or volunteers
If there is an allegation of abuse by a member of staff or volunteer, then Riverbank Trust will cooperate with the police and statutory agencies in the enquiry. For any concerns relating to children, the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) will be contacted. The LADO will give helpful advice. The timing and method of any action to be taken will be discussed and agreed upon with the LADO. You can contact the LADO service on 0208 8917370 or 07774 332675.
During the course of the enquiry, it is recommended that the staff or volunteer concerned is not involved in face-to-face work and that they take a period of special leave during which salary continues to be paid. If the enquiry is not concluded within a month this action may need to be reassessed.
Riverbank Trust staff and volunteers must report any allegation made about themselves or others to their supervisor or his/her delegated representative.
7. Contact Details and Roles of Responsibility
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Anke (anke@riverbanktrust.org)
Riverbank Trust CEO: Laura (laura@riverbanktrust.org)
DBS Coordinator: Reni (reni@riverbanktrust.org)
Designated Safeguarding Board Member: Katie (Safeguarding@riverbanktrust.org)
Front door to Children Social Care operated by Achieving for Children (AFC)
Single Point of Access (SPA): 020 8547 5008 (Monday – Friday 8-6 pm)
020 8770 5000 (Out of Hours)
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please make a referral to our Single Point of Access by using the following link SPA referral form;
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT): 020 8247 5847
This Policy will be reviewed and updated regularly..
Our Complaints Policy
At Riverbank Trust, we are committed to working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect. One of the many ways in which we can continue to improve our service, is by listening and responding to the views of the families we support, staff, volunteers, supporters, and all other stakeholders, in particular by responding positively to complaints, and resolving complaints in an appropriate, fair, and timely way.
The purpose of this policy is to set out Riverbank’s approach to receiving and dealing with complaints, how you can make a complaint, what you can expect from Riverbank Trust when you do so and how you can escalate a complaint if you are unhappy with the outcome.
Therefore, we aim to ensure that:
• Making a complaint is as easy as possible.
• We deal with it promptly, politely, and when appropriate, confidentially.
• We respond in the right way – for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong, or information on any action taken.
• We learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review annually our complaints policy and procedure.
What is a complaint?
For the purpose of this policy, a complaint is defined as “Any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of Riverbank’s services or activities, fundraising efforts or complaints related to a staff, volunteer or a Trustee member that requires a response.”
Where do complaints come from?
Complaints may come from a single mum we support, volunteer or an organisation who has a legitimate interest in Riverbank Trust, including the general public if something is perceived to be improper. A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing. This policy does not cover complaints from staff, who should refer to the internal policy on such matters.
Complaints can be made either informally or formally, both of which are explained as follows:
Informal Complaint
We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally and dealt with quickly. Our aims are to:
• Resolve informal concerns quickly.
• Keep matters low-key.
• Enable mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the complaint has been referred.
An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved and so any complaint relating to your treatment from a staff member or volunteer, should be raised with the member of staff or volunteer you are unhappy within the first instance. If concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed.
Formal Complaint
As expressed above, if the issue is not able to be resolved informally, you are encouraged to follow the formal process which is set out below, as “ Formal Complaints procedure”
Formal Complaints Procedure:
How should a formal complaint be made?
Verbal Complaint:
A verbal in person complaint should be made at the earliest opportunity to the Operations Manager. If this is not possible or is inappropriate to do so due to the nature of the complaint, the complainant should contact the CEO.
Telephone Complaint:
A telephone complaint should be made at the earliest opportunity to the Operations Manager on - 07494 276 582. If this is not possible or is inappropriate to do so, due to the nature of the complaint, the complainant should contact (CEO) on - 07535 231164.
Written Complaint:
A complaint should be made in writing, at the earliest opportunity via email to contact@riverbanktrust.org or by letter to the following address:
Operations Manager
Riverbank Trust
Holy Trinity Church Richmond
Sheen Park
How should a complaint be responded to?
Complaints received verbally or by telephone should be written down immediately and where possible recorded using the complaints Form (Please refer to Appendix 1 - Riverbank Trust Complaints Form). A secure record will be kept.
The person receiving the complaint should:
➢ Record the complainant’s name, address, and contact telephone number.
➢ Write down the facts of the complaint.
➢ Remind the complainant of the complaint’s procedure.
➢ Advise the complainant what will happen next and give an idea of timescales.
➢ If possible and where appropriate, ask the complainant to follow up by providing a written account of the complaint in their own words.
Complainants will receive an initial response of acknowledgment by telephone within 72 hours or within 3 working days. This should be followed by a written response, including the name and contact details of the person assigned to handle the complaint. Riverbank Trust will endeavour to complete and deliver the investigation result within 4 weeks.
Ideally, complainants should receive a definitive reply within four weeks. If this is not possible because for example, an investigation has not been fully completed, a progress report should be sent with an indication of when a full reply will be given.
As per the definition, every member of Riverbank Trust is and must be accountable to those for whom we provide a service. Our aim is to resolve all matters within the turnaround time specified, however, inevitably some issues will be more complex and therefore may require longer to be fully investigated. We will always write to you if this is the case.
Resolving Complaints
Stage One
If you have been unable to resolve your complaint informally, then you contact the Operations Manager who will handle the complaint. If you are unsure of who to send your complaint to at any stage, please email contact@riverbanktrust.org
Whether or not the complaint has been resolved, the complaint information should be passed to the Operations Manager within one week. On receiving the complaint, the Operations Manager should record it, take appropriate action, seek feedback from the staff member and any relevant witnesses concerned and later explain in writing the outcome of your complaint.
Whether the complaint is justified or not, the reply to the complainant should describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation, and any action taken as a result of the complaint.
If the complaint relates to a specific person, they should be informed and given a fair opportunity to respond.
Stage Two
If, at the end of stage one, you are not satisfied with the response you have received, you can ask for the complaint to be escalated to stage two. You will be required to give a reason as to why you feel unhappy about Stage One.
Stage Two will be managed by the CEO who will review the original complaint, the investigation conducted to date, and the response received. They may seek further information from other witnesses and may ask you to attend a meeting to further explain your concerns and what you would like to happen next.
Stage Three
If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at the above stages, they can request that the complaint is reviewed at Board level. At this stage, the complaint will be passed to the Chair of Trustees.
The request for Board level review should be acknowledged within a week of receiving it. The acknowledgement should say who will deal with the case and when the complainant can expect a reply.
The Chair of the Trustees may investigate the facts of the case themselves or delegate a Trustee to do so. This may involve reviewing the paperwork of the case and speaking with the CEO and Operations Manager who dealt with the complaint at previous stages.
Ideally, complainants should receive a definitive reply within four weeks. If this is not possible because for example, an investigation has not been fully completed, a progress report should be sent with an indication of when a full reply will be given. Whether the complaint is upheld or not, the reply to the complainant should describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation, and any action taken as a result of the complaint.
The decision taken at this stage is final, unless the Board decides it is appropriate to seek external assistance with resolution.
Variation of the Complaints Procedure
The Board may vary the procedure for good reason. This may be necessary to avoid a conflict of interest, for example, a complaint about the Chair should not also have the Chair as the person leading a Stage Three review.
All complaint information will be managed sensitively and confidentially. Any information about the complaint will usually only be shared with those who need to know in order to help resolve it.
To process a complaint, Riverbank Trust will need to hold personal data about the complainant.
All personal details will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection
Act 2018. Third parties will only be included in the resolution of confidential complaints on a case-by-case basis and with the agreement of the complainant.
There may however be occasions when Riverbank Trust cannot provide absolute confidentiality. This may for example arise in circumstances where a child or vulnerable adult may be at risk of harm. In these circumstances, Riverbank Trust’s safeguarding procedures will take precedence over this complaints procedure and any relevant information will be shared with others concerned in the safety and welfare of service users.
For detailed information on how your personal data is safeguarded by Riverbank Trust, please view our privacy policy.
If you remain dissatisfied Making Other Serious Complaints with the Charity Commission
If the situation cannot be resolved formally through Riverbank Trust’s complaints procedures, then you have the right to pursue your complaint independently and/or write to the Charity Commission.
The Charity Commission regulates registered charities operating in England and Wales. Their role helps to ensure charities are accountable, meet their legal obligations, and are run appropriately.
You can raise any serious concerns with the Charity Commission if you believe that a charitable organisation is:
• not doing what it claims to do
• losing lots of money
• harming people
• being used for personal profit or gain
• involved in illegal activity
For further information, read the guidance on Complaints-about-charities
Fundraising Complaints
(Please follow the formal complaints procedure if you wish to register a fundraising complaint)
We are grateful to every single person and organisation that chooses to support Riverbank’s activities and the families we support and work with. This policy is also for individuals and organisations who would like to share their views on our fundraising activities. This includes (but is not limited to) donors, event participants and general public or our beneficiaries.
As a Charity that values learning, we recognise that we may not always get things right. If this happens, you deserve a straightforward and satisfactory way to complain about your fundraising experience. We will record and report on fundraising complaints including to our Board of Trustees and in our published annual report & accounts.
As a guide, we will treat the following issues as complaints. Please note this is not an exhaustive list:
• Inappropriate/improper fundraising methods.
• Professional incompetence/misconduct.
• Being used for significant private advantage.
• Non-compliance with Riverbank Trust’s own policies.
• Criminality or non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
If you wish to make a complaint about our fundraising activities, and are dissatisfied with the outcome or response times, (after eight weeks from making an initial complaint) please refer your fundraising complaint to the Fundraising Regulator via telephone 0300 999 3407 (Monday to Friday, 09.30 am – 4.30 pm) or on their website Make a complaint | Fundraising Regulator
You can also complain to the Fundraising Regulator if you have a complaint about the way, you have been asked for donations or how fundraisers have behaved.
Data Protection and Personal Information Complaints
(Please follow the formal complaints procedure if you wish to register a data protection related complaint)
The Information Commissioners Office is The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, making people aware about their data protection and information rights.
If you have a concern about Riverbank Trust’s information rights practices, you can report it directly via telephone on 0303 123 1113 or on their website https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/
Recording and Monitoring complaints
Riverbank Trust will be responsible for the recording and monitoring of complaints. A record of all complaints is kept in our complaints file in a locked cabinet and records related to complaints will be retained for a minimum of six years after the end of the financial year to which they relate.
The Board of Trustees will be informed of the outcome of all complaints.
As part of Riverbank’s learning process, the Board of Trustees will analyse and review complaints on a yearly basis to consider any trends in the complaints made and will review the policies and procedures as appropriate.
The policy will be reviewed and updated regularly.
Appendix 1
Riverbank Trust Complaints Form
Name of person(s) making the complaint (and name of any
person assisting with translation if applicable):
Reason for complaint (please be as detailed as possible, bullet point each issue if possible):
Riverbank Trust staff member resolving the complaint:
Person receiving complaint (staff, volunteer, other?):
Date received:
Steps taken to resolve the complaint, timescale, feedback, and learnings:
Copy given to complainant. Yes / No
Any other notes/observations?.